For all writers and readers of historical fiction who live in Arizona:
I am forming an Arizona chapter of the Historical Novel Society, the literary society, based in both the US and UK, devoted to promoting the enjoyment of historical fiction. Chapters have been springing up around the country the last couple years, and I’ve watched the strong communities of historical writers and readers that have blossomed as a result. There are many excellent HF writers in AZ and it’s time to get to know each other.
First meeting will be Saturday JUNE 8 at 6:00 at the home of Judith Starkston
Email to get directions and be put on the mailing list, even if you aren’t able to come to this particular meeting.
Topics: When we’d like to hold regular meetings, how often, where. What format/content we’d like to have for the meetings.
Possibilities for content of future meetings: writing craft and/or historical presentations, sharing/critiquing WIP’s, socializing, your idea?
I’ll provide dinner and wine and other beverages.
I’ll be there, Judith, with several others in tow. Thanks for starting this new branch for us Arizonians!
Hurrah! So glad you went for it!
Please include me on your list! I enjoy reading historical fiction, and would love to attend.
Break a leg (a nib? a quill?) Kudos!
What a wonderful idea to start this group. If I meet any writers working on historicals, I’ll send them your way.
Great news, Judith. Kudos for taking the leap! I’ll be there, and I’m off now to start spreading the word. 🙂
I’m looking forward to it. Many thanks.
Won’t be able to make the meeting, but please put me on the mailing list.
I will do my best to be there Judith. I think it is a grand idea. Fireship Press will be very interested in working with you.
Please send directions.
Jessica told me about your inaugural meeting. Would love to attend and would appreciate being on your mailing list with directions, etc. What a wonderful opportunity!
Jessica McCann told me about the inaugural meeting of the AZ Historical Novel Society and I am thrilled to have this close-by opportunity! Unfortunately, I will be unabable to attend the June 8 meeting,but would love to be on the mailing list and be a part of future meetings and gatherings. I will also spread the word. . . Best wishes!
Trish Dolasinski
Hi, Judith.
I would love to be a part of this society! Please include me in your list and send directions. Also let me know if you need me to anything.
In India at the moment & will catch up on sending emails to all of you w/ directions when I return. Too hard on my phone.
Me, me!! 🙂 I’d love to attend this one… if not, to at least be on the mailing list for the next one. This sounds right up my alley. Thanks!
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