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Home » Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Jan 6-11

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Jan 6-11

I’ve been absent from my writing world for a bit here… I was having fun preparing for and celebrating my daughter’s wedding with plenty of family in town and lots of meals at our house before, including the rehearsal dinner for 75. I’m cooked out and ready to write and chat with my writer friends around the world! Here’s an informal photo to show how truly beautiful the whole event was.

wedding photo

A quote on fiction from MaryLee MacDonald, outstanding writer and the leader of the critique group I depend on: “Fiction is…concrete…Fiction is so very much an incarnational art.” –Flannery O’Connor

book cover image Shadow on the Crown Patricia Bracewell Poisoned Pen A guest post by Patricia Bracewell on the No More Grumpy Bookseller website explaining why she wrote about Emma, the forgotten Queen of England. Notice how Emma outdoes Ann Boleyn in every category! Link here

Where were St. Francis, St. Clare and a Holy Roman Emperor baptized? Find out fr Tinney Heath’s post on a gorgeous Romanesque church. For those who like fascinating historical anecdotes. Link here

Cheap wine in Jerusalem? Ancient inscription may dump on the wine but it bolsters the notion of an organized hierarchy in the city of King Solomon. Who knew that wine had so much to tell? I love this kind of historical insight from the mundane tidbits that survive. Link here

3 thoughts on “Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Jan 6-11”

  1. Oh the wedding looks like it was a joyous occasion, Judith! What a happy, beautiful bride. Love your daughter’s choice of wedding gown, and you look lovely in your purple dress. Congratulations to all!

  2. Good news to hear about the other important parts of a writer’s life – like her darling daughter. We usually hear only about the nitty gritty writer stuff but where would we be without the lessons and love we have learned from our children? Congratulations and may all be happy.

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