From My Fantasy Writing Desk

I’ve reached the point in my current project where I need to decide on a title. I started brainstorming some ideas with a writer friend. I’m not at all wedded to the word Treachery, despite appearances below. Alternative words will be welcomed. Leave a note in the comments which of these you like. If you think they are all terrible, you can absolutely say that! This is an initial round.
1. Treachery in Hitolia
2. Treachery of Creatures and Kings
3. Treachery of Kings
4. Treachery of Kings and Griffins
Archaeology I Enjoyed
An Important Man’s Tomb
Archaeologists discovered a perfectly preserved 4,000-Year-Old Tomb in Egypt. I think I shared a different post a while back about this amazing tomb, but the brief video tour here shows off the gorgeous paintings in this new discovery.
They found the tomb in Saqqara near the pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, a somewhat enigmatic but long ruling pharaoh of the fifth dynasty (25th c thru mid 24th c BCE). We don’t know exactly who Khuwy, the man buried here was, but his tomb points to a dignitary of great importance, perhaps a relative of the Pharaoh. Archaeologists hope to learn more about Djedkare from this find. Click here for My Modern Met “Archeologists Discover a Perfectly Preserved 4,000-Year-Old Tomb in Egypt”
Just Look Under that Grapevine

Evidence of a Roman villa turned up a century ago on a farm north of Verona, but searchers failed for decades to uncover it. Now, they’ve brought to light a beautiful, pristine mosaic & some villa foundations in the midst of a vineyard. Click here for the “Roman mosaic floor found under Italian vineyard”
I am inclined to something with kings and griffins. That is so eye-catching….
That’s a very useful clue. Kings and griffins capture the major plot lines in this very twisty, multi-layered book. I’m in the midst of reworking/reordering one of those plot lines with griffins this weekend. I had a writer-friend-induced epiphany that will make the final group of scenes easier and more streamlined to write and the tension building to them greater, but meanwhile I’ve got my job laid out to get the repairs and rewriting done. I figure it keeps my brain from atrophy 🙂
Deceitful Kings and Unfaithful Creatures
That’s a good stream, although I’m not sure the creatures are unfaithful, but I like the way you have this set up. Good prod to the imagination.
I liked #four the best
Thank you for your help with my title-choosing.
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