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In Conversation with Terry Shepherd

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photo of Terry shepherd with headphones
Terry Shepherd

When I moved to Davis, I joined the local Sisters in Crime chapter called Capitol Crimes. One of the Cap Crime members, Terry Shepherd, is a talented narrator with a delightful author-focused podcast called “In Conversation with Terry Shepherd.” I’d had the pleasure of an informal interview with him for one of the chapter’s annual Members Marketplace.

Interview with Terry Shepherd

Terry, despite his regular participation with all things Cap Crimes, is actually an out-of-state member who usually joins us online. However, on a recent visit to Sacramento he did a series of short interviews with several members. I was asked to participate. I didn’t know then, but Terry is a big fan of my fiction.

Flights of Treason cover

We had a fun, high energy conversation together, talking about Flights of Treason, the 4th and final book of my Tesha series, which releases May 7th, as well as chatting about the project I’m currently working on, a mythic retelling.

Here’s where to listen to his recent interview with me: Capitol Crime 2 episode of In Conversation with Terry Shepherd on SoundCloud. There are three ten minute interviews. I’m up first for about ten minutes of this thirty minute podcast.

Further Listening and Reading

To find Terry’s many lively author interviews, you can find him on SoundCloud.

To learn more about Terry, go to his website.

For more about my upcoming release, Flights of Treason, go here.

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