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Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 23-29

My weekly favorites around the web: Macedonian tombs & Canaanite wine cellars, the Iliad and China policy, writing teenagers in historical fiction (Deb Swift), and debunking medieval myths (Kim Kendfeld), and 17th C witch-hunting (Anna Belfrage).

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 16-22

My favorites on the web this week: archaeology breaking out all over, mystery tomb in Macedonia, Bronze Age baby rattles, Parthenon marbles, mummies and Deb Swift on writing a deaf character in the 17th C

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 9-15

My weekly web favorites: English beer making, Israeli mosaics, terrible book covers, interviews with Emma Campion & Diana Gabaldon, Sharon Kay Penman’s reading list, debunking religious myths in early America.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Aug 2-8

My favs on the web this week: Witches & vampires fr historian Deborah Harkness, the state of historical fiction via The Guardian, truth and lies in historical fiction via Lisa Yarde, the Holy Grail via Jeri Westerson, Zelda and Scott via Spargo and a new find on Cyprus.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom July 26-Aug 1

My favorites around the web this week: HNS on my book, Kim Rendfeld on a Medieval Cat poem, historical maps fr USGS, sunken ships off Turkey, and a debate, does little stuff cause the big stuff in history?

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom July 12-July 18

My favorites from around the web this week: Mycenaean and Etruscan archaeology, Elizabeth I comes alive in Barbara Kyle’s hands, writing historical fiction by Jessica McCann and the world’s oldest slam poetry and novel.

Guest Post: The portraits of Katheryn Parr by Judith Arnopp

Tudor period novelist, Judith Arnopp, offers a guest post about the portraits of Katheryn Parr, one of Henry VIII’s wives. She includes an excerpt from her novel Intractable Heart that takes place in front of one of the portraits.