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letters on papyrus and clay

Ancient Letters, Windows into Personalities & Daily Life

Perhaps the most effective way to “go back in time” is to read letters written in the past. Fortunately, personal letters survive written by Egyptians and Hittites during the Bronze Age. I particularly enjoy the insights I gain about the personalities of the writers. I’m delving into my favorite Hittite queen’s letters to Pharaoh and sharing insights into Egyptian life via an excellent article in ANET.

Hattusa with reconstructed wall

Writing Hattusa, Capital of an Empire

As I begin drafting the 4th book in the Tesha series, I’m deep into renewing my knowledge of the capital city of Hattusa. It turns out I’m out of date, and the new understanding of this massive archaeological site is a gift to a fiction writer. I’m reporting back from my deep-in-the-weeds research.

slavery in ancient near east, men at work Corum vase

Slavery in the Ancient Near East

I’ve had inklings about the forms and role of slavery in the ancient Near East, but I was grateful for an excellent piece in Ancient Near East Today that clarified that unexpected picture. For most of us, not what we think.

Samothrace victory scultpure

Samothrace Mystery Cult

Archaeologists at the dig on the island of Samothrace, home of one of the major Greek mystery cults, are applying imaginative techniques that remind me of the processes I go through as a writer of historical fiction. And then for extra fun there is the mystery behind ancient mystery cults. Read on.

Arslantepe lion sculpture Neo Hittite

Arslantepe, New UNESCO World Heritage Site

The recent designation of Arslantepe, a dig in southeastern Turkey, as a World Heritage site has got me exploring this ancient city’s significance in light of my own fiction. Politics and artwork both reveal intriguing ways that this site–which I wasn’t familiar with previously–reflects the historical realities that I incorporate into my fiction.

Pharaoh Djoser's tomb photo image

Pharaoh Djoser’s Tomb, Newly Restored

I’m not traveling to Egypt anytime soon, but I’m happy to armchair visit to view the newly restored tomb of Pharaoh Djoser, one of the early rulers and builder of the step pyramid. Why did he build a tomb and a pyramid?

Göbekli Tepe overview

Prehistoric Cuisine at Göbekli Tepe

Go to Neolithic Göbekli Tepe (11,600 years old), and you will find one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in Turkey. The huge T-shaped stone pillars carved with humans and fantastical animals form impressive circles. Evidence from the site reveals people gathered there seasonally in extraordinary numbers. One of the enduring questions about this remarkable place concerns how a hunter-gatherer culture could supply the food for the massive feasts that took place. What did they eat? There’s an intriguing new answer and it took some open mindedness and cooking to find.