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Mycenaean lion hunt on dagger

Setting Refinements, Monumental Messaging, Vikings

I’ve finished adding “grounding” details to my settings. In archaeology news, read about propaganda purposes of monuments both Hittite and Confederate, and the uncovering of a Viking warrior.

Temple of Bel

Writing Workshop, Stone Art & Palmyra

On my blog: Sign up for my Intermediate Fiction Workshop in October from Piper Center for Creative Writing. In archaeology news, read about earliest British Isles art and a reconstruction of the Temple of Bel.

photo from Women in SFF of J Starkston & books

Fantasy Hive Interview, Iron Age Murder & Mesopotamian Cooking

On my blog: Judith Starkston’s interview on Fantasy Hive as part of Women in SFF. In archaeology news, read about Iron Age murder & cuneiform recipe experiments and Silk Road Gourmet.