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Review of Lady of the Seven Suns by Tinney Sue Heath

My review of Lady of the Seven Suns. To read Lady of the Seven Suns is to savor that rarest of reading pleasures: you will live another person’s life to the full, vicarious time travel at its empathetic best.

Plotting Novels in Full Color, and in Archaeology News, Bronze Age Cyprus, Ritual Objects from Pompeii & the Oldest Layer of Troy

I use a story board & lots of colored postits to lay out my novels. In archaeology news: a variety of finds from Bronze Age Paphos on Cyprus, a collection of female, ritual items from Pompeii & earliest layer of Troy.

photo painted amphora Greek vase in Met depicting soldiers

Free Historical Mysteries, In Archaeology: Two Underwater Archaeology Finds, Greek & Roman

Choose historical mystery novels to download free. In archaeology, articles about two underwater finds: Greek amphorae off Albania & Roman ship rostra and helmets from Battle of Aegates