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Roundup of Archaeology and History Jan 24-Feb 2

My roundup of archaeology and history: Archaeology lecture for Phoenix area, Urusula LeGuin’s “remarkable spirit”, info about BBC/Netflix show Troy: Fall of a City, Reese Witherspoon on “female heroes that have always been in the shadows and now are coming into the light,” and the earliest ochre “crayon” found under a peat bog/ancient lake

Roundup of Archaeology and History Jan 9-19

My roundup of history and archaeology: a Roman game board uncovered in Slovakia, catching up on the ancient mundane via papyrus mummy casing, an amazing resource website on race in the ancient world & pottery shard depicting a Parthenon scene comes clean in the Galilee with Athena emerging from Zeus’s head (patriarchy at it again?)

Roundup of Archaeology and History Dec 9-Jan 5

My roundup of history and archaeology: 6 Sci-fi/fantasy writers on what these genres offer to a world gone mad, the tale of an Iraqi archaeological site including griffins, evidence of human sacrifice in Greece, Netflix and the BBC’s series on the Trojan War, and Archaeology Magazine’s top 10 discoveries of 2017

Weekly Roundup of Archaeology and History November 18-Dec 8

My weekly roundup of history and archaeology: a haunting mold for Phoenician funeral masks, reconstructing ancient Greek music, and Neolithic bones show women did the heavy labor despite earlier assumptions they stuck to light domestic tasks (surprise, surprise…)

Weekly Roundup of Archaeology and History November 6-10

My weekly round up of history and archaeology (with a little humor thrown in this week): Emily Wilson’s translation of the Odyssey brings a woman’s smart view to the ancient poem, making medicines at the Palace of Ebla, exquisite warriors carved on a Mycenaean seal from the Griffin Grave and canine noir cartoon for the mystery & dog lovers

Weekly Roundup of Archaeology and History October 21-27

My weekly roundup of history and archaeology: Caligula’s mosaic taken from his pleasure boat on Lake Nemi returns from a stay in NY hiding as a coffee table and the antikythera device, an ancient Greek model of the cosmos, gets a clear analysis on the ASOR blog.

Weekly Roundup of Archaeology and History October 14-20

My weekly roundup of history and archaeology: tower tombs in Jordan’s Jebel Qurma desert, Greg Nagy on models of mentorship in Homer’s Odyssey, the world’s oldest toy “car” found in SE Turkey at Sogmatar dig.

Weekly Roundup of Archaeology and History September 23-October 13

Here is my roundup of archaeology and history: Variations on the myths of Ishtar, the original goddess of love and war and a mysterious Luwian tablet, now translated, tells of a Trojan prince and his naval battle with Ashkelon, and I include photos from Madrid’s National Archaeology Museum’s extraordinary collection