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Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Jan 16-22

Catch up on Windy Lynn Harris’ great AZ HNS talk about getting short prose published. You can find a detailed write up by Kristen McQuinn. Also some posts I enjoyed around the web this week: cattish, deadly book humor, Laura Kelley on a Phoenician platter fr the Silk Road and King Midas gets a golden exhibit.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Jan 9-15

Some posts I enjoyed this week around the web: Cynthia Robertson on what makes a book brilliant, Bronze Age find in Britain preserved liked Pompeii, what the Iliad tells us about war from Caroline Alexander, Maya royal burial at El Zotz and book humor.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Jan 2-8

There’s still time to attend the San Diego State University Writers’ Conference. Here are some posts I enjoyed this week: New temple found on Acropolis, old ship found buried in Alexandria Virginia, Etruscan lecture sponsored by the AIA, astronomical dating of Odysseus?

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Dec 19-26

Some posts I enjoyed around the web this week: the latest finds at Hala Sultan Tekke Cyprus, underwater archaeology at Corinth Greece, the desert year in review by Melissa Crytzer Fry & a smuggled Hittite Seal comes to Çorum.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Dec 12-18

Here are some posts I enjoyed around the web this week: historical fiction box sets from several periods & authors (Libi Astaire, Libbie Hawker, JJ Toner, Rebecca Lochlann, M. Louisa Locke and Sarah Woodbury), Geraldine Brooks on recreating ancient psyches, sunken ship full of Roman fish sauce, and King Tut’s stylish beard glued on with beeswax.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Nov 28- Dec 4

Posts from around the web that I enjoyed this week: speculation about the Amphipolis tomb as commemorating Hephaistion, Caroline Alexander’s new translation of the Iliad and an open access collection of gorgeous Greek museum books fr Latsis Foundation, the latest is Mycenae.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom 11/21-27

Some posts I enjoyed this week: Christopher Columbus & syphilis, agriculture & migrations reflected in ancient European DNA, interesting Pompeii facts, tour Petra fr yr desk.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Nov 14-20

Some posts I enjoyed from around the web this week: Mysterious “Giants’ Wheel” burial in the Golan, Israel, “reading” Roman skeletons and Marylee MacDonald on intelligent selection from the mounds of research that goes into historical fiction

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Nov 7-13

Here are some posts I enjoyed this week: scans may reveal Nefertiti’s tomb, Nancy Bilyeau on Jack the Ripper, games & diplomacy in Utah 1300 AD, Selinunte, the eery classical Greek city with lots to tell