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Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 23-29

My weekly favorites around the web: Macedonian tombs & Canaanite wine cellars, the Iliad and China policy, writing teenagers in historical fiction (Deb Swift), and debunking medieval myths (Kim Kendfeld), and 17th C witch-hunting (Anna Belfrage).

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 16-22

My favorites on the web this week: archaeology breaking out all over, mystery tomb in Macedonia, Bronze Age baby rattles, Parthenon marbles, mummies and Deb Swift on writing a deaf character in the 17th C

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 9-15

My weekly web favorites: English beer making, Israeli mosaics, terrible book covers, interviews with Emma Campion & Diana Gabaldon, Sharon Kay Penman’s reading list, debunking religious myths in early America.