Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom April 5-10
A newly discovered sarcophagus and gold seal ring that could be right out of my manuscript and two reviewers’ reading advice on great books from Heather Webb and Gabrielle Zevin.
A newly discovered sarcophagus and gold seal ring that could be right out of my manuscript and two reviewers’ reading advice on great books from Heather Webb and Gabrielle Zevin.
2017-2018 AZ Historical Novel Society Calendar
September 23, 2-4 pm
British Tea party and conversation with authors Juliana Gray (Edwardian) and Charles Todd (WWI), followed by an informal meeting in the new room at the Poisoned Pen. We have some catching up to do after our long summer break.
Bring sweet or savory snacks and beverages to share–or just bring yourself.
We meet at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore
4014 N Goldwater Blvd #101
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Phone:(480) 947-2974
Click through to see upcoming and past meeting topics. Everyone welcome–writers and readers. We’re an informal group with no dues just lots of great community and information sharing.
Medieval nuns & prostitutes, Feminists fr. preRevolutionary NY & Mesopotamia, telling history fr the pagan peasant point of view, and translating an Egyptian stela changes the chronology of the Near East, starring some of my favorite writers, bloggers and historians: Nancy Bilyeau, Bruce Holsinger, Kim Rendfeld, Shirley Graetz, Sarah Johnson, Nassem Al-Mehairi, and University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute.
Set in Galveston in 1900, The Promise brings us inside two utterly different women’s voices and experiences as they cope with upheaval, loss and love. A masterful book.
AZ Historical Novel Society Meeting April 5: History of Sex. My favorites on web this week: oldest winemaking, Tolkien’s Beowulf, overview of historical romance, Celebrating Women continues w/ Catherine the Great, ancient female philosophers & Medici heroines.
Great weekend at Tucson Festival of Books. Troy gets a new archaeological team, Achilles gets a satirical poke, Nancy Bilyeau id’s 8 Best Historicals, Alex the Great’s successor gets dug up and we’re Celebrating Women in an excellent series.
Next AZ HNS meeting April 5: Ann Chamberlin on the History of Sex. Weekly Web favorites include a remarkable queen via Kim Rendfeld, a storied Abbey via Nancy Bilyeau, Big Foot put to use inspiring the youth of America via Karen Randau and some new thinking about Petra.
Tucson Festival of Books, Book lovers heaven coming March 15-16! Around the web: getting at the truth with HF, Viking fiction with Richard Lee, Stephanie Dray on Cleopatra Selene’s identify crisis, ancient color blindness, & a podcast re Jessica Brockmole’s epistolary novel.
What I’m working on and how: My Writing Process, a Blog Hop
Downton Abbey, ancient helmets, the Sixities as HF, microbes in Pompeii, Speller’s WWI novel, ancient climate change & the Argo sails again.