Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Aug 30-Sept 5
Judith Starkston’s weekly roundup of history, archaeology, and writing wisdom from around the web.
Judith Starkston’s weekly roundup of history, archaeology, and writing wisdom from around the web.
My weekly roundup of history, archaeology and writing wisdom August 23-29.
I’m delighted to announce that I’ve signed a publishing contract for Hand of Fire with Fireship Press.
Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Aug 17-23
Jessica McCann builds an emotionally engaging, heartbreaking story out of a fundamentally unfair situation in American history. A free Black woman, Margaret Morgan, and her three children are kidnapped in 1837 from their home in Pennsylvania and sold into slavery.
I’m guest blogging on Type M for Murder. Come on over and hear about my soon-to-be-published book.
My favorite topics and links from this week about history, archaeology, and writing historical fiction. All put in one handy post for you.
The fifteenth Inspector Rutledge mystery will not disappoint Todd fans and should encourage new readers. The plot, set between 1916-1920, takes us to Madeira and throughout England as Rutledge tries to track down an elusive murderer. Even the victims are elusive.
The Trojan War: A Very Short History is an up to date (2013) summary of the evidence for a Trojan War by excellent scholar Eric Cline.
Next meeting date: September 21. Click through to read about the last meeting July 27 and to find out about our upcoming meetings and speakers. New members are welcome. Email Judith via this website to join.