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book cover image The Cliff's Edge

Review of The Cliff’s Edge by Charles Todd

Thirteen may be an unlucky number, but not with the thirteenth book in the Bess Crawford series. I’ve consistently enjoyed this mystery series. Set in 1919 postwar England, The Cliff’s Edge skillfully interweaves several intriguing elements: the long shadow of WWI, English village life just after the war, old hatreds, and a twisty plot. I hope you enjoy my review.

Coney Island 1911

Why 30,000 People Slept on the Beach One Night

In her guest post my good friend Nancy Bilyeau tells you why 30,000 people slept on the beach one night. I’ll add the words Coney Island into the mix to entice you to read her post about “America’s Playground” during a heatwave.

fictional foods barley bread, olives, almonds, flowers

Fictional Food: Bringing the Ancient World to Life

Writing fiction based in the ancient world requires creative use of somewhat obscure evidence to bring it to life, along with a dose of imagination. That’s especially true with fictional food from the past. A new exhibit at the Penn Museum explores how archaeology brings ancient foods back to life. It’s a fun topic to delve into.

writers working together, Deep POV

Pulling Your Reader Close, Deep POV

I’m talking about Deep Point of View to the California Writers’ Club in Sacramento Friday June 2, 9-11 am. Anyone can attend–whether in person or on Zoom. There should be a recording on their website afterwards. Teaching workshops like this is a fun part of settling in to my writer life in California. I tell you all about it in this week’s post.

George Washington resigning in Old Senate Chamber

George Washington, Thinking American History

I traveled last week to Baltimore and DC, seeing a number of our core American “famous locations,” including one starring George Washington. I found a timely reminder as well as an enjoyable experience. So this week I’m leaping forward in history from my usual Bronze Age posts.