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Trojan War mosaic subject, Hercules & Hippolyta, Delacroix

Roman-Era Mosaic Of Trojan War, Hercules, Neptune

In Syria, archaeologists uncovered a magnificently detailed mosaic depicting the Trojan War, Neptune and Hercules. I’m less thrilled than those quoted in the press because–well, the artist’s choice of subject does matter. But Hercules has some gorgeous muscles. Here’s my view.

book cover image Three Great Lies

Review of Three Great Lies by Vanessa MacLellan

Here’s my review of a quirky time-slip novel set in Egypt. A modern tourist tumbles into the ancient world and along with a cat-headed girl assists a mummy–and herself–to find happiness.

book cover image Love and Death among the Cheetahs

Review: Love and Death among the Cheetahs by Rhys Bowen

With her Royal Spyness series, Rhys Bowen excels at giving readers lighthearted mysteries with a chewy under layer of thought-provoking elements. I particularly enjoyed Love and Death among the Cheetahs. Here’s my review.

King's Gate showing bronze helmet style

A Hittite Bronze Helmet

Most ancient armor comes to us via burial goods, but we have virtually no grave gifts from the Hittites, so this bronze helmet from the Hittite royal city of Sapinuwa is a big deal and lots of fun. Even more so that it matches the famous King’s Gate at Hattusa.

ruins at Hala Sultan Teke with salt lake in background

Briseis off to Cyprus? Hala Sultan Tekke Report

One of these not-so-far-off days, I’ll write the follow up book to Hand of Fire, my novel set in the Trojan War with Briseis as the main character. She might go to the island of Cyprus, perhaps even to the Bronze Age city that is now the archaeological site called Hala Sultan Tekke