My Writing Process, Without-Leaving-Home Tours of Ancient Egypt & Nineveh
How I plot and replot my novels. In archaeology news, read about the Egyptian Book of the Dead & a virtual visit to Nineveh.
How I plot and replot my novels. In archaeology news, read about the Egyptian Book of the Dead & a virtual visit to Nineveh.
Writing a climactic scene with the right setting. In archaeology news read about a reconstructed last meal for Pompeiians and a magic kit for fertility or fortune telling.
Download Priestess of Ishana for free. In archaeology news, read about mythology podcasts & culinary choices of hunter-gatherers.
Enjoy some historical-fantastical corona virus conquering. In archaeological news read about two digital trips to view archaeological artifacts.
The writing class I’m teaching is exploring primary sources and character development. In archaeology news, read about Menna’s Tomb and Paleolithic art from Amiens.
Writing characters into cooperation. In archaeology news read about the origins of pig taboos and tree ring news about Thera.
I’ve been fixing plot holes. In archaeology news read about the afterlife servants in Egyptian tombs & Roman mosaics in Turkey.
The disorientation of writing in a world turned upside down. In archaeology news, read about Vindolanda’s top treasures & a chest with Thutmose II’s name on it.
I saved my main character from the writing pit of passivity. In archaeology news, read about medical exam of a mummy and 83 unexpected graves in Egypt.
Writing complex character. In archaeology news read about a grand model of ancient Rome and an Iron Age king uncovered in Turkey.