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Weekly Posts

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom June 27-July 4

Some posts I enjoyed this week: Two recaps of HNS Denver 2015 fr Kate Quinn and Pat Bracewell, anachronisms in Historical Fiction?, difference between historical romance and historical fiction with a romantic element, 4th of July mysteries, resurrecting book tours?

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom June 21-25

I’m off to the Historical Novel Society Conference in Denver. Here are the posts I enjoyed this week: “Twitter Novel” cartoon fr Janet Rudolph, humorous very bad reviews for Grey via January Magazine, Catherine of Aragon and Blackfriars by Nancy Bilyeau, 6 million dog mummies found in Egyptian dig, Greek mystery religion fr Samothrace exhibit at Athens Acropolis Museum & Sonoran spring photos by Melissa Crytzer Fry–gorgeous!

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom June 14-20

Posts I enjoyed this week: Nancy Bilyeau on Tudor Seers, R&J in text speak, Istanbul bookstore with a vision, the archaeology of an amphorae graveyard in Rome, Authors Guild’s guidelines for fair author contracts

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom May 31-June 6

Posts I enjoyed this week: David Waid’s history of poisons, Mary Tod’s survey of historical fiction, archaeology in Turkey and Russia and the Pleistocene age, and literary self-pubing

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom May 24-30

News & posts this week: Judith is teaching ArtiFACTS to Fiction workshop Flagstaff June 13, Pat Bracewell on Bayeux Tapestry, Lit Hub on hilarious book tour, ancient music in Israel, HNS conference session schedule (including my midwifery panel w/ Diana Gabaldon!)

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom May 17-23

Posts I enjoyed around the web this week: Mummy saved fr French dump, writer jokes, Mary, Historical fiction at BEA by Sarah Johnson, The O. Henry Prize winners, & Pirate medicine fr underwater archaeology.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom May 10-16

Posts I enjoyed around the web this week: Margaret Spence’s “Cleopatra’s Molecules”, Copy Editors’ Pet Peeves, Oldest stone bracelet, revealing the storage rooms of Limassol, Cyprus Museum, PTSD historically speaking by Regina Jeffers, David Waid on writing styles

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom May 3-9

Posts I enjoyed around the web: Alison Morton on Hollywood’s Roman bloopers, Turkey rebuilds Roman Triumphal arch, keeping tension in scenes by Anna Elliot and puzzling new words in the dictionary.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom April 26-May 2

My weekly web favorites: Egyptian Papyrus with hangover remedy, Jane Austen’s world by M.M. Bennetts, conversation about comic war novels with David Abrams and Viet Thanh Nguyen, cartoon via Janet Rudolph, Sudan’s Meroe Pyramids