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Weekly Posts

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom October 11-17

Join me on Sat Oct 18 in celebration of International Archaeology Day for a talk about Hand of Fire and Bronze Age archaeology. Here are my favorite finds around the web this week: all archaeological from Amphipolis to England!

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Sept 27-Oct 10

Join me at the Chandler library Oct 18 for National Archaeology Day! Also, my favorite posts around the web this week: HNS self-published author award, archaeology from Spain, Macedonia, Hattusa & Athens, & Donis Casey on dialogue.

Archaeology and Imagination: On Building a Fiction Scene Set in the Ancient World

Anatomy of the balancing act all historical fiction writers must accomplish: the historical details of world building versus speed of story telling. A close up of two scenes from Hand of Fire.

Sisters in Crime September Blog Hop

The Sisters in Crime September blog hop came to my corner of the world. What writers I am inspired by, my advice to novice writers and, most fun, meet the two remarkable historical authors I’ve tagged or been tagged by as we hop along.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Sept 13-19

Favorites on the web this week: Lindsey Davis on writing Roman, a smart review by Cynthia Robertson of Sarah Waters, inside historical fiction with Heather Lazare, an editor who knows, & digging up Alex the Great era tomb continues.

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom Sept 6-12

My favs around the web this week: interview with Ann Weisgarber, Helen Hollick on pirates, Nancy Bilyeau on Richard the Lionhearted, how to write real people into fiction, wondering if Achilles had ptsd, archaeological excavations of an ancient shipwreck and a tomb. A lot all in the same week Hand of Fire launched!

Weekly Roundup of History, Archaeology and Writing Wisdom August 23-29

My weekly favorites around the web: Macedonian tombs & Canaanite wine cellars, the Iliad and China policy, writing teenagers in historical fiction (Deb Swift), and debunking medieval myths (Kim Kendfeld), and 17th C witch-hunting (Anna Belfrage).